SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

A story of a friend

SESSION 646, MARCH 7,1973, 10:28 P.M. WEDNESDAY

(12:07. A couple of months ago, a close friend developed painful tooth and jaw symptoms — resulting in a loss of weight — for the reasons given below.)
As soon as your friend began reading his book on health foods he received, or presented himself with, an excellent example of the way in which beliefs work. If he realizes this now the experience can be invaluable.

If certain foods are good then other foods must be bad. If he had a svmptom after eating specific items, then he avoided those. Before he read the book the idea would not have occurred to him in that context.

The refusal of pardcular foods, therefore, became a symbol for the avoidance of certain beliefs, so drat for a while the beliefs were not faced while the foods were not eaten. This is done with many such methods on a consistent basis by people all the time. In your friend’s case, the realization that he can eat those foods means that he understands that he can encounter those beliefs in himself, as he is now beginning to do.

His rejection of the foods for this length of time persisted as a symbol that he was still not facing his beliefs. With each “triumph,” now —and there have been several with your help and Ruburt’s — he shows himself that beliefs and not food are important, and reinforces his independence and freedom.

He has read a book that discusses massaging the feet in relationship with affecting reflexes in the body. Now: The natural consideration given to the body during such “therapy” is highly beneficial because die body’s rights are taken into consideration, without the value judgment of right and wrong carried by the health foods.

In this book, I will have more to say regarding health foods. The less contaminated your food, for example, the better off you are, but not if vou believe that the body in its wisdom cannot handle the ordinary foods with which you are provided. Natural massage is of great value, particularly when done by another with healing intent. It will not solve inner problems. It is not an answer in itself, but it can help in promoting relaxation momentarily.

The reflexes mentioned do exist. If the proper inner attitude is maintained, such massage can be of good value. It simply acts then to familiarize the body with those deep feelings of relaxation that the mind has denied it, and can be an excellent learning process.

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第六四六节 一九七三年三月七日 星期三 晚上十点二十八分









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Story about Andrea

SESSION 643, FEBRUARY 26,1973     9:20 P.M. MONDAY

Today Ruburt received a call from a young woman I will name Andrea. She is a lovely young blonde. I would like to use this instance as an excellent example of the ways in which conscious beliefs affect your feelings and behavior. Andrea is in her early thirties, divorced, with three children. She called to tell Ruburt that she had lost her j ob this morning; but more than this, that she was involved in a week of very negadve circumstances and emotional encounters. A young man she had been seeing began to avoid her. A salesman placed her in what seemed to be a very humiliating situation, and yelled at her in front of a crowd of people. All of her other encounters of late had seemed to follow the same pattern. Finally she became ill and emotionally overwrought. She stayed home from work, and that situation culminated in the loss of her job.

She told Ruburt that she felt herself to be an inferior person, unable to cope, an individual who was not able to hold her own with her coworkers or the world at large. She had carried those beliefs of course throughout that period of time, and they were expressed unconsciously through her body —through gestures, expressions, tones of voice. The whole physical self expected rebuffs. The events of those days, whatever they were, would be interpreted in the light of that mental set (intently). All of the available data coming into the organism would be sifted, weighed and valued in a precise search for the material that would give physical emphasis to those beliefs. Information or events running counter would be ignored to a large degree, or distorted in such a fashion that they would be made to fit in with what the mind said was reality.

Conscious beliefs focus your attention, channel it and direct your energy so that you can swiftly bring the ideas into your physical experience. They also act as blinders, throwing aside data that cannot be assimilated while preserving the integrity of the beliefs. So our Andrea did not see, or ignored, the smiles that came her way, or the encouragement; and in some cases she even perceived some potentially beneficial events as “negative” — these then were used to further reinforcethe belief in her own inferiority. Over the phone Ruburt reminded Andrea of her own basic uniqueness, and also of the fact that she was creating her reality through beliefs.
Ruburt reinforced other ideas that Andrea had momentarily forgotten — the fact, among others, of her own true worth; and because Ruburt believed in Andrea’s worth, and because Andrea knew it, this more positive
belief rose up to shove the others aside.

During the day, Andrea was able to look at both beliefs and see them as opposing ideas that she had held about herself. She believed she was unique and good — and also that she was inferior and bad. At various times one belief would color her experience nearly to the exclusion of the other. Just before this session Andrea called ack. She realized that she had indeed set up the situation by not dealing honesdy with her own conscious ideas.
She had wanted to leave her j ob for another one but was afraid of taking the step, so she created circumstances in which the decision was seemingly taken out of her hands; it would appear as if she were the victim of unfeeling co-workers, jealous and misunderstanding, and a boss who would not stand up for her.

(Pause at 9:42.) Now she understood that she was not a victim but the originator of those conditions. During the time involved, her feelings faithfully mirrored her conscious beliefs. She was lost in self-pity and self-condemnation. These brought about the weakened body state. In speaking to her the second time.

Ruburt gave Andrea excellent advice, explaining the way in which such feelings can be handled to advantage. In his or her own way, each reader can easily utilize the method. Ruburt advised Andrea to accept the validity of such feelings as feelings— not to inhibit them, but to follow their flow with the understanding that they are feelings about reality. As themselves they are real. They express emotional reactions to beliefs. The next time Andrea feels inadequate, for example, she is to actively experience that feeling, realizing that even though she feels inferior this does not mean that she is inferior. She is to say, “I feel inferior,” and at the same time to understand that the feeling is not a statement of fact but of emotion. A different kind of validity is involved.

Experiencing your emotions as such is not the same as accepting them as statements of fact about your own existence. Andrea is thensupposed to ask, “Why do I feel so inferior?” If you deny the validity of the emotion itself and pretend it away, then you will never be led to question the beliefs behind it.

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第六四三节     一九七三年二月二十六日    星期一       晚上九点二十分















如是想 … …



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念头的力量有多大??? power of the thought???

第六四二节                                                                                                  SESSION 642, FEBRUARY 21,1973

Many who say they believe in the power of thought are so afraid of it that they inhibit it in themselves, avoiding any that appear negative or harmful. The slightest “aggressive” expression is blocked. Thoughts can kill, these people think — as if the individual against whom such an impulse was directed had no protective life-giving energies of his or her own, and no natural defense.

Here, often, and for various reasons, you find a hidden and distorted sense of power that says, “I am so powerful that I could kill you with my thought, and yet I refuse to do so.” No one, and no one thought, is that powerful. If thoughts alone could kill, you would not have the overpopulation problem!

Each person has his own built-in energy and protection. You accept only those ideas and thoughts that fit in with your own system of beliefs, and even dien there are various safeguards. No man dies unless he wants to die, and for a much better reason than that you may want him to.






我们真的有本事去 “heal” 某某人? 我们真的可以靠自己的念头去改变一个人?



如果孩子出了状况,他就有机会从新了解孩子的能力。但,在这情况,如果他却坚持觉得自己还不够信任孩子而 “创造” 了这个意外。那,他就有点失控的正面思想。我是这么想的。

我是安全的… 和我的孩子是安全的… 后者来得有点操控。


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Consious Mind Activity 意识心的活动

第六一六节                                                                       SESSION 616, SEPTEMBER20,1972



Obviously the conscious mind is a phenomenon, not a thing. It is ever-changing. It can be concentrated or turned by the ego in literally endless directions. It can view outward reality or turn inward, observing its own contents.

There are gradations and fluctuations within its activity. It is far more flexible than you give it credit for.The ego can use the conscious mind almost entirely as a way of perceiving external or internal realities that coincide with its own beliefs. It is not that certain answers do not lie openly accessible, therefore, but that often you have set yourself on a course of action in which you believe, and you do not want to open yourself to any material that may contradict your current beliefs.

~ . ~





“回到家了吗?”我说。他答说 “我还在外面。”然后,电话就挂断了。

心里郁闷的很。我很想问他为什么挂我线。这时候,脑袋几乎就只闪烁着“他为什么挂我线”。根本不能正常的思考其他的可能性。平时,我一举就是四、五个可能性。电话没电 (这是他之后告诉我的)、线路有问题、我自己 / 他不小心按错键、他那边出了状况……  <<< 这很明显说明文中黑体的部分。


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暗示 suggestion




Much has been written about the nature and importance of suggestion. One of the current ideas in vogue holds that you are constandy at the mercy of suggestion. Your own conscious beliefs are the most important suggestions that you receive. All other ideas are rejected or accepted according to wrhether or not you believe they are true, in line with the steady conscious chattering that goes on within your mind most of the day — the suggestions given to you by yourself.

You will accept a suggestion given by another only if it fits in with v our own ideas about the nature of reality in general, and your concepts about yourself in particular.

If you use your conscious mind properly, then, you examine those beliefs that come to you. You do not accept them willy-nilly. If you use your conscious mind properly, you are also aware of intuitive ideas that come to you from within. You are only half conscious when you do not examine the information that comes to you from without, and when you ignore the data that comes to you from within.


有一位同事曾和我分享,她试过在有类似催眠的方式去调整 她孩子的行为。




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Popular Personal Beliefs


Now: Later we will discuss some of the reasons for your beliefs, but for now I simply want you to recognize them. I am going to list some limiting false beliefs. If you find yourself agreeing with any of them, then recognize this as an area in which you must personally work.

1. Life is a valley of sorrows.
2. The body is inferior. As a vehicle of the soul it is automatically degraded, tinged. You may feel that the flesh is inherently bad or evil, that its appetites are wrong. Christians may find the body deplorable, thinking that the soul descended into it — “descent” automatically meaning the change from a higher or better condition to one that is worse. Followers of Eastern religions often feel it their duty, also, to deny the flesh, to rise above it, so to speak, into a state where nothing is desired. (“Emptiness” in Taoism, for instance.) Using a different vocabulary, they still believe that earth experience is not desirable in itself.
3. I am helpless before circumstances that I cannot control.
4. I am helpless because my personality and character were formed in infancy, and I am at the mercy of my past.
5. I am helpless because I am at the mercy of events from past lives in other incarnations, over which I now have no control. I must be punished, or I am punishing myself for unkindnesses done to others in past lives. I must accept the negative aspects of my life because of my karma.*

*In Hinduism and Buddhism, karma is thought of as the total moral sum of an individual’s acts in any one life — thus determining the person’s fate or destiny in the next. Seth sees reincarnational lives as all existing at once, so there is constant give-and-take among them. A “future” life, then, can affect a “past” one, so karma as it is usually considered does not apply.

6. People are basically bad, and out to get me.
7. I have the truth and no one else has. Or, my group has the truth and no other group has.
8. I will grow frailer, sicker, and lose my powers as I grow old.
9. My existence is dependent upon my experience in flesh. When my body dies my consciousness dies with it.

Now: That was a rather general list of false beliefs. Now here is a more specific list of more intimate beliefs, any of which you may have personally about yourself.

1. I am sickly, and always have been.
2. There is something wrong with money. People who have it are greedy, less spiritual than those who are poor. They are unhappier, and snobs.
3. I am not creative. I have no imagination. Next: I can never do what I want to do. Next: People dislike me. Next: I am fat. (“That would be number 6. “)
Then 7. I always have bad luck.

(12:15.) These are all beliefs held by many people. Those who have them will meet them in experience. Physical data will always seem to reinforce the beliefs, therefore, but the beliefs formed the reality. We are going to attempt to knock down such limiting concepts.

First of all, you must realize that no one can change your beliefs for vou. nor can they be forced upon you from without. You can indeed change them for yourself, however, with knowledge and application.

Look about you. Your entire physical environment is the materialization of your beliefs. Your sense of joy, sorrow, health or illness — all of these are also caused by your beliefs. If you believe that a given situation should make you unhappy, then it will, and the unhappiness will then reinforce the condition.

Within you is the ability to change your ideas about reality and about yourself, to create a personal living experience that is fulfilling to yourself and others. I would like you to write down your beliefs about yourself as you become aware of them. Later you can use this list in a way that you do not now suspect.

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2.身体是个次级品。作为一个灵魂的工具,它自然是下贱而污染了的。 你可能觉得肉身先天上就不是好东西,至于肉体的欲望更是糟之又糟。基督徒可能认为肉身是可悲的,以为灵魂是”降”到肉体里去–”降”这个字自然是指由一个较高较好的情况落入到较差较糟的。 东方宗教的信从者也常会以为,他们有责任去否定肉身,去超越它,而进入一种无欲的境界。(例如,道家的”无”。)他们所用的语汇虽不同,但是他们仍相信世间经验是不可取的。



5.前生的际遇主宰了一切,我无能为力,因为今生我对前世发生的事情一点办法都没有。我必须受报应,或自我惩罚以求赎罪,谁叫我前世作孽。自作终归自受,自己造了”业” (karma)* ,只好逆来顺受。

*注 在佛教与印度教里,”业”是一个人在前世所作、所为、所思的总合–因此,在下一生, 一个人前世所造的业就决定了这个人的命运和方向。在赛斯眼中,所有的轮回转世全都存在於同一瞬间,所以在施、受、取、舍间并无先後,而是一直在彼此相互取予、相互影响的。那麽”来生”也可以改变”前生”,所以一般定义中所解释的业便不能适用了。


7.真理只站在我这边,别人都没道理,或,真理只能在我这个团体里才能找到,别处 门儿都没有。







3.我缺乏想像,没什麽创造力。 其次:我永远不能做我想做的事。 其次:大家都不喜欢我。 再其次:我很肥。 (”那该是第六条。”) 对。第七条:我运气总是不好。





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Sense your feeling-tone 感觉基调的练习

目的 Purpose

To understand yourself and what you are, you can learn to experience yourself directly apart from your beliefs about yourself.


方法 Method

What I would like each reader to do is to sit quiedy. Close your eyes. Try to sense within yourself the deep feeling-tones that I mentioned earlier. This is not difficult to do. Your knowledge of their existence will help you recognize their deep rhythms within you. Each individual will sense these tones in his or her own way, so do not worry about how they should feel. Simply tell yourself that they exist, that they are composed of the great energies of your being made flesh. Then let yourself experience.


提醒 Reminder

如果你习于静坐冥想之类术语的话,在做这椿事情的时候,试著忘掉它们。任何名词都不要用。放下一切的观念,感受自己的存在,感受自己生命力的活动。别问:“这样做对不对?” “我的感觉正不正确?” “我用的方法是不是有错?”这是本书教你的第一个练习。你不要用别人的标准。这个练习没有任何标准,你自己的感觉就是标准。
If you are used to terms like meditation, try to forget the term during this procedure. Do not use any name. Free yourself from concepts, and experience the being of yourself and the motion of your own vitality. Do not question, “Is this right? Am I doing it correctly? Am I feeling what I should feel?” This is the book’s first exercise for you. You are not to use other people’s criteria. There are no standards but your own feelings.


建议 Suggestion

No particular time limit is recommended. This should be an enjoyable experience. Accept whatever happens as uniquely your own. The exercise will put you in touch with yourself. It will return you to yourself. Whenever you are nervous or upset, take a few moments to sense this feeling-tone within you, and you will find yourself centered in your own being, secure.


成果 Outcome

When you have tried this exercise several times, then feel these deep rhythms go out from you in all directions, as indeed they do. Electromagnetically they radiate out through your physical being; and in ways that I hope to explain later, they form the environment that you know even as they form your physical image.


类似内观禅坐 Vipassana 。

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