SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

自我 ego

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                           SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“        当你的灵魂透过你而表现它自己时,你所知道的、所警觉到的,以及所参与的各种实相其实远比你所以为自知的要多得多。你那个在白天运作的意识,亦即是你那个“自我”(ego )意识,就像一朵花一样的从你自己实相的那个 “无意识的” 温床中滋长出来。你自己虽然并不知觉,但这个自我自行显现,然后再落回无意识中,接著再从“无意识”中新生出另一个自我来,就像从春天的大地上所开出的一朵新花。


You are aware, alert, and participating in many more realities than you know as your soul expresses itself through you. That consciousness of your usual daylight hours, the ego consciousness, rises up like a flower from the ground of the “underneath,” the unconscious bed of your own reality. Though you are not aware of it, this ego itself emerges, then falls back again into the unconscious, from which another ego then rises as a new bloom from the springtime earth.

You do not have the same ego now that you had five years ago, but you are not aware of the change. Ego rises out of what you are, in other words. It is a part of the action of your being and consciousness, but as the eye cannot see its own shifting colors and expressions, as it is not aware that it lives and dies constantly as its atomic structure changes, so you are not aware that the ego continually changes, dies, and is reborn.



富创造性的身体意识造出了你的眼睛。富创造性的内在心灵造出了你的自我。你的身体根据它那了不起的“无意识的”知识的神奇智慧造出了你的双眼,而你的心灵则为你带来了“自我”, 而像眼睛有物理性的感知一样,自我有心理性的感知。眼睛及自我两者都是一种用以专注于感知外物的产品

The creative body consciousness creates the eye. The creative inner psyche creates the ego. The body forms the eye in the splendid wisdom of its great unconscious knowing. The psyche brings forth the ego that perceives psychologically as the eye perceives physically. Both the eye and the ego are formations focused toward perception of exterior reality.                   ”


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内我 inner self

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                            SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“         你一生下来就有的那些特徵,是有其原因的。内我(inner self)选择了它们。即使在今天,你的内我仍然可以大幅度地改变很多你自己的特性。你出生的时候并不是一张白纸,你个体的特性始终都潜藏在你的灵魂内,属于你个人一部份的你的”历史”,也深深地铭刻在你无意识的记忆里,它不但蛰居在你的心灵里,还以一种被”解码”後的方式存在于你的遗传因子与你的染色体*中,并且充满了畅行在你脉管里的血液。

The characteristics that were yours at birth were yours for a reason. The inner self chose them. To a large extent, the inner self can even now alter many of them. You did not arrive at birth without a history. Your individuality was always latent within your soul, and the “history” that is a part of you is written within unconscious memory that resides not only within your psyche, but is faithfully decoded in your genes and chromosomes, and  fulfilled in the blood that rushes through your veins.                     ”


        文中 “历史” 二字,感觉上好像要说明我们有前世。从线性时间的观念出发,这是的确是对的。但,赛斯也曾在其他的内容里提到时间同时性。我本身认为赛斯在这是要说明内我的丰富性。


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活生生的世间万相 the living picutre of the world

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                            SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“          世间生相皆由心生。你眼中所见的世界就像是一幅立体的画,每个人都在作画过程参与了一 手。画中的每样色彩,每根线条全都是在心灵中先画好了才显现於外的。
The living picture of the world grows within the mind. The world as it appears to you is like a three-dimensional painting in which each individual takes a hand. Each color, each line that appears within it has first been painted within a mind, and only then does it materialize without.

地球的”身体”可以说有它自己的心或灵魂(随你喜欢哪个用 语)。按照这比喻,高山、大海、山谷、河流以及所有大自然的景象无一不由地球的灵魂涌出,正如所有的事件以及所有制造出来的东西,皆无一不由人类的心灵或灵魂中显现是一样的。

The body of the earth can be said to have its own soul, or mind (whichever term you prefer). Using this analogy the mountains and oceans, the valleys and rivers and all natural phenomena spring from the earth’s soul, as all events and all manufactured objects appear from the inner mind or soul of mankind.

The inner world of each man and woman is connected with the inner world of the earth. The spirit becomes flesh. Part of each individual’s soul, then, is intimately connected with what we will call the world’s soul, or the soul of the earth.


           You always know what you are doing, even when you do not realize it. Your eye knows it sees, though it cannot see itself except through the use of reflection. In the same way the world as you see it is a reflection of what you are, a reflection not in glass but in three dimensional reality. You project your thoughts, feelings, and  expectations outward, then you perceive them as the outside reality. When it seems to you that others are observing you, you are observing yourself from the standpoint of your own projections.                                     ”




我们都会以自己的角度看世界。你所看到的,就在显示让你知道,“哦,原来我是这样看世界的。”当在追查自己的想法下去,可能你会发现,“原来是我已经对自己的生活感到厌倦 / 愤怒 / 不满 / 冲突。”


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我喜欢这句话。就好象马国的现况。“不满意?我们一起改变。”   #^ ^

“    如果你的健康情形不佳,你可以设法补救。不满意自己人际间的关系?你可以改善。穷困?你可以令自己置身于富足的环境中。  ”

“     If you are in poor health, you can remedy it. If your personal relationships are unsatisfactory, you can change them for the better. If you are in poverty, you can instead find yourself surrounded by abundance.   ”


“       如果你生来就穷困或是一出生就带病,这种情况在表面上看来当然是外来的横逆,其实不然,这些情形还是多少有改善的机会。这并不是说努力和决心就不再需要了。我这话的重点是在点明你并不是无力去改变事情,而每一个人,不管他的地位如何、情况如何、身体状况又是如何,他个人的经验、体会全都在他自己的掌握中。”

“        If you were born poor, or born sick, then it certainly seems to you that these circumstances were thrust upon you. Yet they were not, and to some extent or another they can be changed for the better.  This does not mean that effort is not required, and determination. It does mean that you are not powerless to change events and that each of you, regardless of your position, status, circumstances or physical condition, is in control of your own personal experience. ”



1)   我相信我的命运掌握在我的手中。

2)   命由天注定。我能做的,就是算懂了命,然后,能避开的就避开。

让我想想,要如何整理这两个信念。  #^  ^

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赛斯自序——写这本书的目的 writing this book

“       我写这本书的目的是要帮助你们每个人解决他自己个人所面临的困难。我希望能藉由告诉你们:你们个人的实相是如何由自己所一手造成的,以及解释给你们听要如何才能转逆为顺,而达成我的心愿。   ”

“      I am writing this book to help each individual solve his or her own personal problems. I hope to do this by showing you exactly the way in which you form your own reality, by explaining the ways in which you can alter it to your advantage.    ”

“       我绝不会告诉你你应该去压抑或忽略那些想法或感受。我会教你如何认出你经验中的负面思想与感受,去找出它们哪一个失了控,以及如何去处理那些看起来好象是在你控制之外的想法与感受。我所要说的那些方法个个都需要你去努力,去集中心神才能办得到。它们也会向你挑战,而把最有益的那种意识的扩展改变带到你的生命里来。 你所真正要做的只在于如何去有意识地运用自己本有的能力,去细察你自己的想法与感受的性质,然后把那些你基本上赞同的想法、感受投射出来而已。

“      At no time will you be told to repress them, to ignore them. You will be shown how to recognize those within your experience, to discover which of them has been allowed to run away with you, and how to manage those that seem to be beyond your control.  The methods that I will outline demand concentration and effort. They will also challenge you, and bring into your life expansion and alterations of consciousness of a most rewarding nature.  You have only to use your ability consciously, to examine the nature of your thoughts and feelings and project those with which you basically agree.   ”

“       这本书主要在解释个人的实相是怎么形成的,重点在:要如何做才能将自己所不喜欢的处境予以改造的种种方法


书里面将反复阐明一个事实,那就是所有的治愈之所以能够发生,乃是因为当事人已经接纳了一个基本的“事实”。这个“事实”是:其一,物质是由那些赋予它生机、活力的“内在特质”所形成的。其二,物质的结构随“期待”而来;其三,“物质”随时都能被改变,改变之道在于唤起在所有意识之内与生俱来的创造能力。   ”

“       The book will explain how personal reality is formed, with great stress laid upon the ways of changing unfavorable aspects of individual experience.

It will, hopefully, avoid the Pollyanna attributes of many self-help books, and tease the reader into an enthusiastic desire to understand the characteristics of reality if only to solve his or her own problems. The methods given will be highly practical, workable, and within the abilides of any person genuinely concerned with those problems inherent in the nature of human existence.

The point will be made that all healings are the result of the acceptance of one basic fact: That matter is formed by those inner qualities that give it vitality, that structure follows expectation, that matter at any time can be completely changed by the activation of the creative faculties inherent in all consciousness.    ”

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赛斯自序——意识心 conscious mind



“      要知道你不受“无意识冲动”所支配,除非你有意识地默许这种情形的发生。你当前的各种感受与期望永远可以被拿来当作检查自己进境的工具。如果你不喜欢自己现在的境遇,你所要做的就是去改变自己有意识的想法与期盼的性质。你务必要去改变那些透过你自己的思想而送到自己的身体、朋友或是生活中相关的人的各种讯息。 ”

“      You are not at the mercy of unconscious drives unless you consciously acquiesce to them. Your present feelings and expectations can always be used to check your progress. If you do not like your experience, then you must change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations. You must alter the kind of messages that you are sending through your thoughts to your own body, to friends and associates.  ”



“       在每一个生灵的深处都藏着一种永不止息的冲劲,想要寻求能力的尽情发挥、胸怀的开阔、以及乐观进取的去突破那些表面上似乎存在的种种障碍。没有一个意识会答应任何一个要将它束缚住的想法,即使是最微小的分子内的意识亦然。它们都渴望着经验及新的生命形态。那么,甚至连原子也都不断的在寻求去加入新的结构,或是去追求一种新的意义。原子、分子的这些行动及切望本来就是它们的“本能”。


“意识心”有主宰这些东西的全权,只有在当它“弃权”的时候,它才会让自己被“负面性的感受”所支配。也只有在它拒绝承当它的责任的时候,它才会觉得自己好象被事情牵着鼻子走一样,对发生在周遭的事物也好象有一种无力感。  ”

“      All consciousness has within it the deep abiding impetus to use its abilities fully, to expand its capacities, to venture joyfully beyond the seeming barriers of its own experience. The very consciousnesses within the smallest molecules cry out against any ideas of limitation. They yearn toward new forms and experiences. Even atoms, then, constantiy seek to join in new organizations of structure and meaning. They do this “instinctively.”

Man has been endowed, and has endowed himself, with a conscious mind to direct the nature, shape and form of his creations. All deep aspirations and unconscious motivations, all unspoken drives, rise up for the approval or disapproval of the conscious mind, and await its direction.

Only when it abdicates its functions does it allow itself to become swayed by “negative” experience. Only when it refuses responsibility does it finally find itself at the seeming mercy of events over which it appears to have no control.   ”

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赛斯自序——个人实相的制造 The Manufacture of Personal Reality

赛斯在一开始就道破个人实相是什么。由于我们太认同生活经验,而分不清事件和思想之间的关系。“心智” + “精神” + “有意识的思想与感受” + “无意识的思想与感受”产生了生活经验;而生活经验又一再的反复加强本身的某某信念。是否能发现,那始终还是得自己发现,并自己为自己负责任。

“       经验与体会是“心智”、“精神”、“有意识的思想与感受”以及“无意识的思想与感受”的产品。这几样东西加起来就形成你个人所知道的实相。因此,你并不会受到外来的、不可抗拒的、或是强加于你的外界环境所左右。由于你太过将自己与组成你生活经验的那些实质事件连接在一起,使得你往往很难分辨,彷佛是发生在外界的事件和令它们发生的那些思想、期待、或渴望。


“      Experience is the product of the mind, the spirit, conscious thoughts and feelings, and unconscious thoughts and feelings. These together form the reality that you know. You are hardly at the mercy of a reality, therefore, that exists apart from yourself, or is thrust upon you. You are so intimately connected with die physical events composing your life experience that often you cannot distinguish between the seemingly material occurrences and the thoughts, expectations and desires that gave them birth.

If there are strongly negative characteristics present in your most intimate thoughts, if these actually form bars between you and a more full life, still you often look through the bars, not seeing them. Until they are recognized they are impediments. Even obstacles have a reason for being. If they are your own, then it is up to you to recognize them and discover the circumstances behind their existence.  ”


“      如果你去细细审查一下自己有意识的思想,你会发现这种审查可以告诉你很多关于你自己内心深处的心态、意图和期望,并且还常常导致你去直接面对自己的挑战及难题。你的思想,在经过你细细的探讨之后,会让你明白你到底走向何处。它们会清清楚楚的点明一个真相,那不是:所有存在于世间的事事物物原来全都是先存在于思想及感受里。除此之外,别无其他法则。  ”

“      An examination of your conscious thoughts will tell you much about the state of your inner mind, your intentions and expectations, and will often lead you to a direct confrontation with challenges and problems. Your thoughts, studied, will let you see where you are going. They point clearly to the nature of physical events. What exists physically exists first in thought and feeling. There is no other rule.   ”

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阿品、Sunny 讲《个人实相的本质》


《心靈解密》ep34 –個人實相的本質(一)



– Sunny和阿品初接觸賽斯書的原因
– 為什麼當年的賽斯資料網頁會在郭富城網站出現?
– 有沒有客觀的世界? – 每個人經驗事件不只是觀點與角度的不同?
– 很多人“知道”你創造你的實相其實並不真的知道?
– 看了《個人實相的本質》的變化例子
– 核心信念與概念叢如何組成?
– 核心信念對人生的各種影響
– 細菌都有自已的社交?



《心靈解密》ep35 – 個人實相的本質(二)




-什麼是 “感覺基調”?
-自然藥物 vs 人造藥物

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“    这些年来我一直在一种困扰中,总是希望能以我们这个世界中“是非题”的二分法标准来替赛斯这个人物做一番定位。我究竟应该把他当作是一个一般有精神信仰的人心目中所认为的那种“精神导师”好呢,还是把他列为科学界所解释的——他只是我自己性格中另一面的显现。这两种解释对我而言,都没有抓到痒处。… … … …


赛斯书或许只是我自己意识中的某一个属于另一度空间而又不把注意力放在人世间的“层面”,加上其他某些用人间言语解释不出来因素而生产出来的成品,在其中,造就出“赛斯”这了不起的心灵作品,它“真”的程度比任何所谓的“事实”还要“真”。赛斯所存在的地方,也许只是某个在事物的安排上与我们人间习惯不一样的层面而已。 ”

珍在序中也特别强调 :“ 当我们在看这本书时,一定要注意不要随便望文生义,或是断章取义妄下断语,或自以为是,否则我们便犯了一个错误:硬把多度空间性的东西强塞至三度空间,而妄以人间所谓的真、假来限制与评判事物。




“       赛斯主要的理论在于——我们个人的实相是我们根据自己对自己的信念,以及对其他人的和对整个世界的信念所自造出来的。根据这一点延伸下去,他说明了所谓的 [威力之点] 并不在前生,也不在后世,而在 [当下]。他强调 [个人] 具有 [有意识行动] 的能力,并且提供了绝佳的练习方法,这些方法告诉了我们如何将他的理论活用在任何的生活情况里。

本书的主旨非常清楚:我们并不是任凭我们自己潜意识摆布的东西,我们在面临外力的时候也不是毫无自主之力。[意识心] 指挥无意识的活动,而所有 [内我] 的力量全都在 [意识心] 的控制之下,这些力量要怎么用完全根据我们自已对 [实相] 这两个字抱着什么样的观念而定。赛斯说:‘  我们是一群躺在 [生物性](Creaturehood)怀抱里的[神]。’ 我们被赋予了能力将我们的思想与感受实际显现,然后从这些显现中形成自己的经验。 ”

“      Seth’s main idea is that we create our personal reality through our conscious beliefs about ourselves, others, and the world. Following this is the concept that the “point of poweris in the present, not in the past of this life or any other. He stresses the individual’s capacity for conscious action, and provides excellent exercises designed to show each person how to apply these theories to any life situation.

The message is plain: We are not at the mercy of the subconscious or helpless before forces that we cannot understand. The conscious mind directs unconscious activity and has at its command all of the powers of the inner self. These are activated according to our ideas about reality. “We are gods couched in creaturehood,” Seth says, given the ability to form our experience as our thoughts and feelings become actualized.   ”

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