SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know


于 4月 23, 2012

我喜欢这句话。就好象马国的现况。“不满意?我们一起改变。”   #^ ^

“    如果你的健康情形不佳,你可以设法补救。不满意自己人际间的关系?你可以改善。穷困?你可以令自己置身于富足的环境中。  ”

“     If you are in poor health, you can remedy it. If your personal relationships are unsatisfactory, you can change them for the better. If you are in poverty, you can instead find yourself surrounded by abundance.   ”


“       如果你生来就穷困或是一出生就带病,这种情况在表面上看来当然是外来的横逆,其实不然,这些情形还是多少有改善的机会。这并不是说努力和决心就不再需要了。我这话的重点是在点明你并不是无力去改变事情,而每一个人,不管他的地位如何、情况如何、身体状况又是如何,他个人的经验、体会全都在他自己的掌握中。”

“        If you were born poor, or born sick, then it certainly seems to you that these circumstances were thrust upon you. Yet they were not, and to some extent or another they can be changed for the better.  This does not mean that effort is not required, and determination. It does mean that you are not powerless to change events and that each of you, regardless of your position, status, circumstances or physical condition, is in control of your own personal experience. ”



1)   我相信我的命运掌握在我的手中。

2)   命由天注定。我能做的,就是算懂了命,然后,能避开的就避开。

让我想想,要如何整理这两个信念。  #^  ^
