SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

赛斯自序——写这本书的目的 writing this book

于 4月 23, 2012

“       我写这本书的目的是要帮助你们每个人解决他自己个人所面临的困难。我希望能藉由告诉你们:你们个人的实相是如何由自己所一手造成的,以及解释给你们听要如何才能转逆为顺,而达成我的心愿。   ”

“      I am writing this book to help each individual solve his or her own personal problems. I hope to do this by showing you exactly the way in which you form your own reality, by explaining the ways in which you can alter it to your advantage.    ”

“       我绝不会告诉你你应该去压抑或忽略那些想法或感受。我会教你如何认出你经验中的负面思想与感受,去找出它们哪一个失了控,以及如何去处理那些看起来好象是在你控制之外的想法与感受。我所要说的那些方法个个都需要你去努力,去集中心神才能办得到。它们也会向你挑战,而把最有益的那种意识的扩展改变带到你的生命里来。 你所真正要做的只在于如何去有意识地运用自己本有的能力,去细察你自己的想法与感受的性质,然后把那些你基本上赞同的想法、感受投射出来而已。

“      At no time will you be told to repress them, to ignore them. You will be shown how to recognize those within your experience, to discover which of them has been allowed to run away with you, and how to manage those that seem to be beyond your control.  The methods that I will outline demand concentration and effort. They will also challenge you, and bring into your life expansion and alterations of consciousness of a most rewarding nature.  You have only to use your ability consciously, to examine the nature of your thoughts and feelings and project those with which you basically agree.   ”

“       这本书主要在解释个人的实相是怎么形成的,重点在:要如何做才能将自己所不喜欢的处境予以改造的种种方法


书里面将反复阐明一个事实,那就是所有的治愈之所以能够发生,乃是因为当事人已经接纳了一个基本的“事实”。这个“事实”是:其一,物质是由那些赋予它生机、活力的“内在特质”所形成的。其二,物质的结构随“期待”而来;其三,“物质”随时都能被改变,改变之道在于唤起在所有意识之内与生俱来的创造能力。   ”

“       The book will explain how personal reality is formed, with great stress laid upon the ways of changing unfavorable aspects of individual experience.

It will, hopefully, avoid the Pollyanna attributes of many self-help books, and tease the reader into an enthusiastic desire to understand the characteristics of reality if only to solve his or her own problems. The methods given will be highly practical, workable, and within the abilides of any person genuinely concerned with those problems inherent in the nature of human existence.

The point will be made that all healings are the result of the acceptance of one basic fact: That matter is formed by those inner qualities that give it vitality, that structure follows expectation, that matter at any time can be completely changed by the activation of the creative faculties inherent in all consciousness.    ”
