SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

赛斯自序——意识心 conscious mind

于 4月 23, 2012



“      要知道你不受“无意识冲动”所支配,除非你有意识地默许这种情形的发生。你当前的各种感受与期望永远可以被拿来当作检查自己进境的工具。如果你不喜欢自己现在的境遇,你所要做的就是去改变自己有意识的想法与期盼的性质。你务必要去改变那些透过你自己的思想而送到自己的身体、朋友或是生活中相关的人的各种讯息。 ”

“      You are not at the mercy of unconscious drives unless you consciously acquiesce to them. Your present feelings and expectations can always be used to check your progress. If you do not like your experience, then you must change the nature of your conscious thoughts and expectations. You must alter the kind of messages that you are sending through your thoughts to your own body, to friends and associates.  ”



“       在每一个生灵的深处都藏着一种永不止息的冲劲,想要寻求能力的尽情发挥、胸怀的开阔、以及乐观进取的去突破那些表面上似乎存在的种种障碍。没有一个意识会答应任何一个要将它束缚住的想法,即使是最微小的分子内的意识亦然。它们都渴望着经验及新的生命形态。那么,甚至连原子也都不断的在寻求去加入新的结构,或是去追求一种新的意义。原子、分子的这些行动及切望本来就是它们的“本能”。


“意识心”有主宰这些东西的全权,只有在当它“弃权”的时候,它才会让自己被“负面性的感受”所支配。也只有在它拒绝承当它的责任的时候,它才会觉得自己好象被事情牵着鼻子走一样,对发生在周遭的事物也好象有一种无力感。  ”

“      All consciousness has within it the deep abiding impetus to use its abilities fully, to expand its capacities, to venture joyfully beyond the seeming barriers of its own experience. The very consciousnesses within the smallest molecules cry out against any ideas of limitation. They yearn toward new forms and experiences. Even atoms, then, constantiy seek to join in new organizations of structure and meaning. They do this “instinctively.”

Man has been endowed, and has endowed himself, with a conscious mind to direct the nature, shape and form of his creations. All deep aspirations and unconscious motivations, all unspoken drives, rise up for the approval or disapproval of the conscious mind, and await its direction.

Only when it abdicates its functions does it allow itself to become swayed by “negative” experience. Only when it refuses responsibility does it finally find itself at the seeming mercy of events over which it appears to have no control.   ”
