SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

内我 inner self

于 4月 29, 2012

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                            SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“         你一生下来就有的那些特徵,是有其原因的。内我(inner self)选择了它们。即使在今天,你的内我仍然可以大幅度地改变很多你自己的特性。你出生的时候并不是一张白纸,你个体的特性始终都潜藏在你的灵魂内,属于你个人一部份的你的”历史”,也深深地铭刻在你无意识的记忆里,它不但蛰居在你的心灵里,还以一种被”解码”後的方式存在于你的遗传因子与你的染色体*中,并且充满了畅行在你脉管里的血液。

The characteristics that were yours at birth were yours for a reason. The inner self chose them. To a large extent, the inner self can even now alter many of them. You did not arrive at birth without a history. Your individuality was always latent within your soul, and the “history” that is a part of you is written within unconscious memory that resides not only within your psyche, but is faithfully decoded in your genes and chromosomes, and  fulfilled in the blood that rushes through your veins.                     ”


        文中 “历史” 二字,感觉上好像要说明我们有前世。从线性时间的观念出发,这是的确是对的。但,赛斯也曾在其他的内容里提到时间同时性。我本身认为赛斯在这是要说明内我的丰富性。

