SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

自我 ego

于 4月 29, 2012

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                           SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“        当你的灵魂透过你而表现它自己时,你所知道的、所警觉到的,以及所参与的各种实相其实远比你所以为自知的要多得多。你那个在白天运作的意识,亦即是你那个“自我”(ego )意识,就像一朵花一样的从你自己实相的那个 “无意识的” 温床中滋长出来。你自己虽然并不知觉,但这个自我自行显现,然后再落回无意识中,接著再从“无意识”中新生出另一个自我来,就像从春天的大地上所开出的一朵新花。


You are aware, alert, and participating in many more realities than you know as your soul expresses itself through you. That consciousness of your usual daylight hours, the ego consciousness, rises up like a flower from the ground of the “underneath,” the unconscious bed of your own reality. Though you are not aware of it, this ego itself emerges, then falls back again into the unconscious, from which another ego then rises as a new bloom from the springtime earth.

You do not have the same ego now that you had five years ago, but you are not aware of the change. Ego rises out of what you are, in other words. It is a part of the action of your being and consciousness, but as the eye cannot see its own shifting colors and expressions, as it is not aware that it lives and dies constantly as its atomic structure changes, so you are not aware that the ego continually changes, dies, and is reborn.



富创造性的身体意识造出了你的眼睛。富创造性的内在心灵造出了你的自我。你的身体根据它那了不起的“无意识的”知识的神奇智慧造出了你的双眼,而你的心灵则为你带来了“自我”, 而像眼睛有物理性的感知一样,自我有心理性的感知。眼睛及自我两者都是一种用以专注于感知外物的产品

The creative body consciousness creates the eye. The creative inner psyche creates the ego. The body forms the eye in the splendid wisdom of its great unconscious knowing. The psyche brings forth the ego that perceives psychologically as the eye perceives physically. Both the eye and the ego are formations focused toward perception of exterior reality.                   ”

