SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

信念的例子 example of your beliefs

于 5月 20, 2012

第六一四节 一九七二年九月十三日                     SESSION 614, SEPTEMBER 13,1972

意识心并没有什麽大能为” 这种观念的存在造成了一种假性的分野,人们学到他们不应该觉察到潜意识所提供的资料。正常人觉得他最好别沾这种领域,因而当他把自己的这些个部份切除之时,也障碍住了内我所自然流露的欢悦。到最后,人迷失了,觉得自己与真正的自己脱了节。

原罪”(original sin)的观念虽然并不高明,既谬误又害人,但同时,它至少提供了一些比较简单的”解脱”方法,比如说:人可以经过”受洗”而获救,或可经由祷告、圣礼或其他的某些仪式而找到救赎。

当 “潜意识不是个好东西” 这观念变得很强的时候,对灵魂的观念就飞出窗子去了。因而就有无数的人活在一个既容不下”灵魂”又被极不可靠的”潜意识”压得死死的世界中。这些人把自己看作是一个脆弱而又孤单的自我,危险而毫无保障地航行在 “不由自主的过程” 的惊涛骇浪上。

They grew up believing that the conscious mind was relatively powerless, that adult experience was set in the days of infancy. These concepts themselves set up artificial divisions. People learned that they should not be aware of “subconscious” material. The normal individual felt that he had best leave such areas alone, so in cutting off these portions of the self, barriers were also set up against the joy of die inner spontaneous self. People felt divorced from the core of their own reality.

The concept of original sin was a very poor, limited and distorted one, but at least along with it went rather simple procedures: Through baptism you might be saved, or through certain words or sacraments or rituals redemption could be found.

About the same time that the idea of the unsavory subconscious arose so strongly, the idea of the soul went out the window. Millions of people therefore believed in a reality in which they were deprived of the idea of a soul, and burdened by the concept of a very unreliable, if not definitely evil, subconscious. They saw themselves as vulnerable solitary points of egos, riding perilously and unprotected upon the tumultuous waves of involuntary processes.


整理这段文字时,想起了,和蓝天为别人排列时,做的那段 “身心灵” 整合排列。
现在,觉得 “身心灵” 分开的原因,该是有以上信念的。因为他们已经切断了本身的一体性。我认为觉得小我应该被灭掉的,也会出现以上的状况。
