SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

念头的力量有多大??? power of the thought???

于 2月 22, 2013

第六四二节                                                                                                  SESSION 642, FEBRUARY 21,1973

Many who say they believe in the power of thought are so afraid of it that they inhibit it in themselves, avoiding any that appear negative or harmful. The slightest “aggressive” expression is blocked. Thoughts can kill, these people think — as if the individual against whom such an impulse was directed had no protective life-giving energies of his or her own, and no natural defense.

Here, often, and for various reasons, you find a hidden and distorted sense of power that says, “I am so powerful that I could kill you with my thought, and yet I refuse to do so.” No one, and no one thought, is that powerful. If thoughts alone could kill, you would not have the overpopulation problem!

Each person has his own built-in energy and protection. You accept only those ideas and thoughts that fit in with your own system of beliefs, and even dien there are various safeguards. No man dies unless he wants to die, and for a much better reason than that you may want him to.






我们真的有本事去 “heal” 某某人? 我们真的可以靠自己的念头去改变一个人?



如果孩子出了状况,他就有机会从新了解孩子的能力。但,在这情况,如果他却坚持觉得自己还不够信任孩子而 “创造” 了这个意外。那,他就有点失控的正面思想。我是这么想的。

我是安全的… 和我的孩子是安全的… 后者来得有点操控。

