SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

感觉基调 feeling tone (2)

Everything that you experience has consciousness, and each consciousness is endowed with its own feeling-tone. There is great cooperation involved in the formation of the earth as you think of it, and so the individual living structures of the planet rise up from the feeling-tone within each atom and molecule.

The feeling-tone then is the motion and fiber — the timber — the portion of your energy devoted to your physical experience. Now it flows into what you are as a physical being and materializes you in the world of seasons, space, flesh, and time. Its source, however, is quite independent of the world that you know.

Once you learn to get the feeling of your own inner tone, then you are aware of its power, strength and durability, and you can to some extent ride with it into deeper realities of experience.

It is the essence of yourself. Its sweeps are broad in range, however. It does not determine, for example, specific events. It paints the colours in the large “landscape” of your experience. It is the feeling of yourself, inexhaustible.

In other terms it represents the expression of yourself in pure energy, from which your individuality rises, the You of you, unmistakably given identity that is never duplicated.

这个能量来自“存在”(being)的核心,来自一切万有(All That Is )所代表的永不枯竭的生机与活力之源头。它就是“存在”,在“你”内的“存在”。因此,“存在”所有的能量与力量就得以透过你的而集中,而反映在你的人生方向里。
This energy comes from the core of BEING (in capital letters), from All That Is (with our usual capitals), and represents the source of never ending vitality. It is Being, Being in You. As such, all of the energy and power of Being is focused and reflected through you in the direction of your three dimensional existence.


只是整理出赛斯对 感觉基调 的解释。省略了我觉得重复解说的部分。

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感觉基调 feeling tone (1)

Basically you create your experience through your beliefs about yourself and the nature of reality.

Another way to understand this is to realize that you create your experiences through your expectations.


Your feeling-tones are your emotional attitudes toward yourself and life in general, and these generally govern the large areas of experience.

They give the overall emotional coloration that characterizes what happens to you.

Sometimes they rise to the surface, but in great long rhythms. You cannot call these negative or positive. They are instead tones of your being. They represent the most inner portion of your experience.

If you have become afraid of emotion or the expression of feeling, or if you have been taught that the inner self is no more than a repository of uncivilized impulses, then you may have the habit of denying this deep rhythm. You may try to operate as if it did not exist, or even try to refute it. But it represents your deepest, most creative impulses; to fight against it is like trying to swim upstream against a strong current.


“以别人为出发点”。 我觉得这么做是体谅、照顾别人的一种举动。这行为是高尚的。



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基本假设 root assumptions

第六一三节 一九七二年九月十一日                      SESSION 613, SEPTEMBER 11,1972

感受及思想中有些被转变成你们称之为 “物体”的构造;对你们而言,这种东西存在于一种你们叫作  “空间” 的媒介中。另一些则被转变成叫作 “事件” 的心灵结构,而这种结构在表面看来则似乎存在于一种叫作 “时间” 的媒介里。

空间” 与 “时间”二者都是基本假设,叫它们作基本假设是因为人对两者都肯接受,同时还假设他的实相是根植於一连串的时间以及一个有深度的空间。就因此你们的内在感受就转译成了时、空的说法。

Some feelings and thoughts are translated into structures that you call objects; these exist, in your terms, in a medium you call space. Others are translated instead into psychological structures called events, that seem to exist in a medium you call time.

Space and time are both root assumptions, which simply means that man accepts both, and assumes that his reality is rooted in a series of moments and a dimension of space. So your inner experience is translated in those terms.


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电磁实相 electromagnetic realities

第六一三节 一九七二年九月十一日                      SESSION 613, SEPTEMBER 11,1972

创造之喜悦从你心中流出,就如同你呼吸一样自然,一样不费力。你外在经验的最最细微的部份,全都出自这种创造之欣悦,你所有的感受全都有一种 “电磁性的实相”(electromagnetic reality),它向外流出,影响了大气本身。它们因吸引力的作用而聚集在一起为某一些 “事件” 与 “情况” 造势,最後可以说 “结合” 成了实质的物体或是在  “时间” 中的事件。

The joy of creativity flows through you as effortiessly as your breath. From it the most minute areas of your outer experience spring. Your feelings have electromagnetic realities that rise outward, affecting the atmosphere itself. They group through attraction, building up areas of events and circumstances that finally coalesce, so to speak, either in matter as objects — or as events in “time.”



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living feedback 回馈

第六一三节 一九七二年九月十一日                      SESSION 613, SEPTEMBER 11,1972

Your experience in the world of physical matter flows outward from the center of your inner psyche. Then you perceive this experience. Exterior events, circumstances and conditions are meant as a kind of living feedback. Altering the state of the psyche automatically alters the physical circumstances.

Interactions with others do occur, of course, yet there are none that you do not accept or draw to you by your thoughts, attitudes, or emotions. This applies in each area of life. In your terms, it applies both before life and after it. In the most miraculous fashion are you given the gift of creating your experience.

In this existence you are learning to handle the inexhaustible energy that is available to you. The mass condition of the world, and the situation of each individual in it, is the materialization of man’s progress as he forms his world.






另一件事,就是住客临时给通知,就搬走了。但,我以 ‘宁可别人负我,我都不要负别人’ 的心态处理。我都以一贯多一事不如少一事的处事方法。现在,觉得我为什么要这么想?难道没有双赢的定案吗?

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自我 ego

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                           SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“        当你的灵魂透过你而表现它自己时,你所知道的、所警觉到的,以及所参与的各种实相其实远比你所以为自知的要多得多。你那个在白天运作的意识,亦即是你那个“自我”(ego )意识,就像一朵花一样的从你自己实相的那个 “无意识的” 温床中滋长出来。你自己虽然并不知觉,但这个自我自行显现,然后再落回无意识中,接著再从“无意识”中新生出另一个自我来,就像从春天的大地上所开出的一朵新花。


You are aware, alert, and participating in many more realities than you know as your soul expresses itself through you. That consciousness of your usual daylight hours, the ego consciousness, rises up like a flower from the ground of the “underneath,” the unconscious bed of your own reality. Though you are not aware of it, this ego itself emerges, then falls back again into the unconscious, from which another ego then rises as a new bloom from the springtime earth.

You do not have the same ego now that you had five years ago, but you are not aware of the change. Ego rises out of what you are, in other words. It is a part of the action of your being and consciousness, but as the eye cannot see its own shifting colors and expressions, as it is not aware that it lives and dies constantly as its atomic structure changes, so you are not aware that the ego continually changes, dies, and is reborn.



富创造性的身体意识造出了你的眼睛。富创造性的内在心灵造出了你的自我。你的身体根据它那了不起的“无意识的”知识的神奇智慧造出了你的双眼,而你的心灵则为你带来了“自我”, 而像眼睛有物理性的感知一样,自我有心理性的感知。眼睛及自我两者都是一种用以专注于感知外物的产品

The creative body consciousness creates the eye. The creative inner psyche creates the ego. The body forms the eye in the splendid wisdom of its great unconscious knowing. The psyche brings forth the ego that perceives psychologically as the eye perceives physically. Both the eye and the ego are formations focused toward perception of exterior reality.                   ”


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内我 inner self

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                            SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“         你一生下来就有的那些特徵,是有其原因的。内我(inner self)选择了它们。即使在今天,你的内我仍然可以大幅度地改变很多你自己的特性。你出生的时候并不是一张白纸,你个体的特性始终都潜藏在你的灵魂内,属于你个人一部份的你的”历史”,也深深地铭刻在你无意识的记忆里,它不但蛰居在你的心灵里,还以一种被”解码”後的方式存在于你的遗传因子与你的染色体*中,并且充满了畅行在你脉管里的血液。

The characteristics that were yours at birth were yours for a reason. The inner self chose them. To a large extent, the inner self can even now alter many of them. You did not arrive at birth without a history. Your individuality was always latent within your soul, and the “history” that is a part of you is written within unconscious memory that resides not only within your psyche, but is faithfully decoded in your genes and chromosomes, and  fulfilled in the blood that rushes through your veins.                     ”


        文中 “历史” 二字,感觉上好像要说明我们有前世。从线性时间的观念出发,这是的确是对的。但,赛斯也曾在其他的内容里提到时间同时性。我本身认为赛斯在这是要说明内我的丰富性。


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活生生的世间万相 the living picutre of the world

第六一O节 一九七二年六月七日                                            SESSION 610, JUNE 7,1972

“          世间生相皆由心生。你眼中所见的世界就像是一幅立体的画,每个人都在作画过程参与了一 手。画中的每样色彩,每根线条全都是在心灵中先画好了才显现於外的。
The living picture of the world grows within the mind. The world as it appears to you is like a three-dimensional painting in which each individual takes a hand. Each color, each line that appears within it has first been painted within a mind, and only then does it materialize without.

地球的”身体”可以说有它自己的心或灵魂(随你喜欢哪个用 语)。按照这比喻,高山、大海、山谷、河流以及所有大自然的景象无一不由地球的灵魂涌出,正如所有的事件以及所有制造出来的东西,皆无一不由人类的心灵或灵魂中显现是一样的。

The body of the earth can be said to have its own soul, or mind (whichever term you prefer). Using this analogy the mountains and oceans, the valleys and rivers and all natural phenomena spring from the earth’s soul, as all events and all manufactured objects appear from the inner mind or soul of mankind.

The inner world of each man and woman is connected with the inner world of the earth. The spirit becomes flesh. Part of each individual’s soul, then, is intimately connected with what we will call the world’s soul, or the soul of the earth.


           You always know what you are doing, even when you do not realize it. Your eye knows it sees, though it cannot see itself except through the use of reflection. In the same way the world as you see it is a reflection of what you are, a reflection not in glass but in three dimensional reality. You project your thoughts, feelings, and  expectations outward, then you perceive them as the outside reality. When it seems to you that others are observing you, you are observing yourself from the standpoint of your own projections.                                     ”




我们都会以自己的角度看世界。你所看到的,就在显示让你知道,“哦,原来我是这样看世界的。”当在追查自己的想法下去,可能你会发现,“原来是我已经对自己的生活感到厌倦 / 愤怒 / 不满 / 冲突。”


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