SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

A story of a friend

SESSION 646, MARCH 7,1973, 10:28 P.M. WEDNESDAY

(12:07. A couple of months ago, a close friend developed painful tooth and jaw symptoms — resulting in a loss of weight — for the reasons given below.)
As soon as your friend began reading his book on health foods he received, or presented himself with, an excellent example of the way in which beliefs work. If he realizes this now the experience can be invaluable.

If certain foods are good then other foods must be bad. If he had a svmptom after eating specific items, then he avoided those. Before he read the book the idea would not have occurred to him in that context.

The refusal of pardcular foods, therefore, became a symbol for the avoidance of certain beliefs, so drat for a while the beliefs were not faced while the foods were not eaten. This is done with many such methods on a consistent basis by people all the time. In your friend’s case, the realization that he can eat those foods means that he understands that he can encounter those beliefs in himself, as he is now beginning to do.

His rejection of the foods for this length of time persisted as a symbol that he was still not facing his beliefs. With each “triumph,” now —and there have been several with your help and Ruburt’s — he shows himself that beliefs and not food are important, and reinforces his independence and freedom.

He has read a book that discusses massaging the feet in relationship with affecting reflexes in the body. Now: The natural consideration given to the body during such “therapy” is highly beneficial because die body’s rights are taken into consideration, without the value judgment of right and wrong carried by the health foods.

In this book, I will have more to say regarding health foods. The less contaminated your food, for example, the better off you are, but not if vou believe that the body in its wisdom cannot handle the ordinary foods with which you are provided. Natural massage is of great value, particularly when done by another with healing intent. It will not solve inner problems. It is not an answer in itself, but it can help in promoting relaxation momentarily.

The reflexes mentioned do exist. If the proper inner attitude is maintained, such massage can be of good value. It simply acts then to familiarize the body with those deep feelings of relaxation that the mind has denied it, and can be an excellent learning process.

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