SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

感觉基调 feeling tone (2)

Everything that you experience has consciousness, and each consciousness is endowed with its own feeling-tone. There is great cooperation involved in the formation of the earth as you think of it, and so the individual living structures of the planet rise up from the feeling-tone within each atom and molecule.

The feeling-tone then is the motion and fiber — the timber — the portion of your energy devoted to your physical experience. Now it flows into what you are as a physical being and materializes you in the world of seasons, space, flesh, and time. Its source, however, is quite independent of the world that you know.

Once you learn to get the feeling of your own inner tone, then you are aware of its power, strength and durability, and you can to some extent ride with it into deeper realities of experience.

It is the essence of yourself. Its sweeps are broad in range, however. It does not determine, for example, specific events. It paints the colours in the large “landscape” of your experience. It is the feeling of yourself, inexhaustible.

In other terms it represents the expression of yourself in pure energy, from which your individuality rises, the You of you, unmistakably given identity that is never duplicated.

这个能量来自“存在”(being)的核心,来自一切万有(All That Is )所代表的永不枯竭的生机与活力之源头。它就是“存在”,在“你”内的“存在”。因此,“存在”所有的能量与力量就得以透过你的而集中,而反映在你的人生方向里。
This energy comes from the core of BEING (in capital letters), from All That Is (with our usual capitals), and represents the source of never ending vitality. It is Being, Being in You. As such, all of the energy and power of Being is focused and reflected through you in the direction of your three dimensional existence.


只是整理出赛斯对 感觉基调 的解释。省略了我觉得重复解说的部分。

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