SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

Consious Mind Activity 意识心的活动

第六一六节                                                                       SESSION 616, SEPTEMBER20,1972



Obviously the conscious mind is a phenomenon, not a thing. It is ever-changing. It can be concentrated or turned by the ego in literally endless directions. It can view outward reality or turn inward, observing its own contents.

There are gradations and fluctuations within its activity. It is far more flexible than you give it credit for.The ego can use the conscious mind almost entirely as a way of perceiving external or internal realities that coincide with its own beliefs. It is not that certain answers do not lie openly accessible, therefore, but that often you have set yourself on a course of action in which you believe, and you do not want to open yourself to any material that may contradict your current beliefs.

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“回到家了吗?”我说。他答说 “我还在外面。”然后,电话就挂断了。

心里郁闷的很。我很想问他为什么挂我线。这时候,脑袋几乎就只闪烁着“他为什么挂我线”。根本不能正常的思考其他的可能性。平时,我一举就是四、五个可能性。电话没电 (这是他之后告诉我的)、线路有问题、我自己 / 他不小心按错键、他那边出了状况……  <<< 这很明显说明文中黑体的部分。


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