SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

电磁实相 electromagnetic realities

第六一三节 一九七二年九月十一日                      SESSION 613, SEPTEMBER 11,1972

创造之喜悦从你心中流出,就如同你呼吸一样自然,一样不费力。你外在经验的最最细微的部份,全都出自这种创造之欣悦,你所有的感受全都有一种 “电磁性的实相”(electromagnetic reality),它向外流出,影响了大气本身。它们因吸引力的作用而聚集在一起为某一些 “事件” 与 “情况” 造势,最後可以说 “结合” 成了实质的物体或是在  “时间” 中的事件。

The joy of creativity flows through you as effortiessly as your breath. From it the most minute areas of your outer experience spring. Your feelings have electromagnetic realities that rise outward, affecting the atmosphere itself. They group through attraction, building up areas of events and circumstances that finally coalesce, so to speak, either in matter as objects — or as events in “time.”



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