SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

无形的假设 invisible assumptions

第六一四节 一九七二年九月十三日                     SESSION 614, SEPTEMBER 13,1972

You form the fabric of your experience through your own beliefs and expectations. These personal ideas about yourself and the nature of reality will affect your thoughts and emotions. You take your beliefs about reality as truth, and often do not question them. They seem selfexplanatory. They appear in your mind as statements of fact, far too obvious for examination. They become invisible assumptions, but they nevertheless color and form your personal experience.

Many individuals are completely blind to their own beliefs about themselves, and the nature of reality. Your own conscious thoughts will give you excellent clues. Often you will find yourself refusing to accept certain thoughts that come to your mind because they conflict with other usually accepted ideas.

你的经验像一块布,而这块布是你透过了你自己的信念与期盼织出来的。你心目中对自己以及对实相的本质所抱的观念,样样都影响到你的思想与你的情绪。你把你自己实相所抱的信念当作是一项真理,几乎连问都不问,因为每样事情看起来都这么的顺理成章。对你而言,这些事情其本身就是一种事实的 “声明”,明显得连审视一下都是多馀的。这时候,你的信念变成了一种“无形的假设”,但它们依然形成并渲染了你的个人经验。



我之前遇到房客欠钱事件, 我就逼他还钱。在这里,我就已经有了个假设,“有借有还”。所以,遇上了对方是来骗钱的,我就会和他起反应。

当然,我依然可以继续抱有这信念。但,我得承认 ‘这次我吃了亏’ ,‘这次我做了傻瓜’ 。下次,要敏感点。对方依赖,我是可以斩断我们之间的关系。

而不是就总结说,‘人是不可信的。’ ‘我的业障很深,要多布施,念经消灾。’

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