SETH Book : The Nature of Personal Reality

specific, pratical techniques for solving everyday problems and enriching the life you know

基本假设 root assumptions

第六一三节 一九七二年九月十一日                      SESSION 613, SEPTEMBER 11,1972

感受及思想中有些被转变成你们称之为 “物体”的构造;对你们而言,这种东西存在于一种你们叫作  “空间” 的媒介中。另一些则被转变成叫作 “事件” 的心灵结构,而这种结构在表面看来则似乎存在于一种叫作 “时间” 的媒介里。

空间” 与 “时间”二者都是基本假设,叫它们作基本假设是因为人对两者都肯接受,同时还假设他的实相是根植於一连串的时间以及一个有深度的空间。就因此你们的内在感受就转译成了时、空的说法。

Some feelings and thoughts are translated into structures that you call objects; these exist, in your terms, in a medium you call space. Others are translated instead into psychological structures called events, that seem to exist in a medium you call time.

Space and time are both root assumptions, which simply means that man accepts both, and assumes that his reality is rooted in a series of moments and a dimension of space. So your inner experience is translated in those terms.


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